Tuesday, March 9

Nuffnang 101 : How To Increase Your Earnings ?

Since I was asked by a few bloggers to give tips on Nuffnang, I've decided to write-up a lil on it. I honestly agree that I'm still new to Nuff, maybe one-or-two of my sayings here aren't right, so please do ignore it. But if I'm wrong in any ways, please do correct me.

 There was a lot more left at ShoutMix, malas nak cari dah. Haha !

I am so excited to write tips on Nuffnang since I was asked by a few bloggers. Not only that, I also bertambah excited lepas I checked my earnings for today. I just gotta kumpul another RM 5.50 to get my first cheque from Nuffnang !

So, what shall you do to increase earning from Nuffnang ? Generally, all you have to do is just register, place the code and start earning money when advertisers put their ads on your site. Memang tiada apa-apa sangat to be done, right ? Besides, Nuffnang will find the advertisers for you.

One Tip To Increase Earning From Nuffnang.

The earnings that you'll get totally depends on the number of your daily unique visitors you receive. The more visitors you get, the more money you boleh make. To put it simple, you gotta have high traffic flowing in and out to your site. Barulah anda dapat menjana duit melalui Nuffnang dengan lebih effective.

One best way to menjana traffic to your blog consistently is by writing often and also by mengamalkan blogwalking. Other than that, you can also go to various blog community to ping your posts. This can obviously generate you different-different visitors flowing into your blog.

Haa . . . waktu yang sesuai untuk korang berblogwalking ; if your main point of blogwalking is for Nuff ; is of course in the middle of the night. Starting at 12.00 AM. This is because that's when Nuff starts being active. Don't ask me why, sebab I sendiri tak tau. Haha !

For more information, you can always check the Blogger FAQ.

Question : Apa pendapat korang tentang post ni ?