Wednesday, March 9

Special Toilet For SheMale?

Believe it or not, there's a lot of 3rd gender like people at IIUM a.k.a UIAM. And as I've mentioned in my earlier post, the issue of recognizing the 3rd gender was raised here. Buat aku, aku rasa pelik sesangat macam mana isu sebegini dibiarkan discussed openly at an Islamic IPTA. Heh !

One of the many points discussed during the debate was for Malaysian to treat the 3rd gender as a part of human being and care for them. But this point, of course, was opposed easily as there are not much of these kinds at Malaysia. The opposition team came to a conclusion saying there is no need to care for them.

The most funniest reasoning brought up by those who were standing up for the 3rd gender was to create a special toilet for the shemale's and allocate a few rooms in Mahallah (hostel) for them. Funny, isn't it?

The debate was overall just amusing. The opposition team won in the end, of course. But again I'm thinking, why even bring up the issue ? Sigh~

And for the Islam shemale's, why is it so hard for them to accept the fact that they are on the wrong track? Why is it so hard for them to correct themselves back? Why, ohh why? Simple questions, but I guess no answers will ever satisfy me. PFFFT.


puteraduyong said...

kalau dah ic nama lelaki...tetap tak berubah cara buang airnya... :)

Nisa' said...

Off topic.

Aswt, selamat hari lahir. Semoga apa yang awak hajati akan dimakbulkan oleh Allah SWT. Insha'Allah.

vviisshhnnuu said...


Entry Terkini: 4 Sebab Anwar Jadi Mangsa

Shah Alam Dude said...

pelik jugak bila timbul isu mcm ni