Monday, January 24

Buffered Earnings As Of 2010.

For those who have been reading my posts or at least surfing my blog, must've realised - my blog has officially turned a years old ever since January came. Aku agak sedih tak buat an entry saying my blog already cecah a year. Pffft. To hell with it. Bukannya penting pun. Kan ?

But anyways, entry ini bukannya untuk mengumumkan SakiraLicious has officially turned a years old. Though, I kinda already did. Heh ! This post is like one of my personal recordings. I've decided to take a trip down memory lane with Nuffnang ... As my title suggest it, these are the buffered earnings I've received as of 2010.

Friday, January 14

Gaining Momentum.

I'm awake, but my brain is literally still . . . sleeping. Pelik, bukan ?

I'm having my Test 1 on Financial Accounting Fundamentals (FAF) today . . . I believe I've studied not hard enough malam semalam. I only stayed awake till 4 in the morning doing some exercises, and had a small nap for 4 hours after that. Ohh wait, you don't call that as nap already ! But anyways, this 4 hours nap a.k.a sleep is not enough for me. Just yet.

Wednesday, January 12

Be Ready - Facebook Akan Berakhir Pada 15 Mac !

Okay, aku rasa mesti korang-korang di luar sana telah mendengar the rumor about Facebook [FB] ending on March 15th. The news is spreading fast in FB, shared by my friends & colleagues.

Tuesday, January 4

Download In Progress - Magika.

It's been a while since I last downloaded a movie. And hari ini for some unknown reason, I tergerak nak download Magika. A movie I wanted to watch when it first released at the cinema . . . tapi disebabkan halangan yang tak dapat nak dielakkan - I didn't get to watch it. Heh !

Saturday, January 1

Happy² New Year !

Okay, theoretically speaking - this is not my new year. Or to put it more straight - this is not Muslim's new year. Our new year has already passed on 7 December 2010. Kan ?