Thursday, February 10

Movie | Shaolin.

Shaolin is officially one of the best movie I've watched so far as of this year. Seriously. Khurafat was no where near the satisfaction that Shaolin gave me. Yes, I watched Khurafat.

Friday, February 4

Boys To Men.

This is an entry of my favorite child actors and singers who eventually have grown up to leading men. Funny how some of em' don't look like how they used to be. Some are looking hotter than ever, some are . . . Well, I'll leave the sentence hanging.

Macaulay Culkin

Thursday, February 3


Getting married is one of the essential practice done worldwide from the past itself. It is said that men and women all over the world are destined to live together. However, divorce rates are increasing these days. It is believed to be the only solution when a husband and wife face’s a problem. The main cause of divorce is for the reason that the married couples are in lack of communication, thus, the couple’s splits-up and this directly have an effect on their children’s life.

Wednesday, February 2

What Am I Doing ?

Kadang-kadang I keep asking myself this question - what am I doing ? Baik in blogging, studying or life . . . my momentum is always not there to focus on it. Nak blog, no mood. Nak study, no mood. Nak do house chores or sama waktu dengannya pun --- no mood.