Wednesday, November 10

Dikapak Anak, Ditikam Menantu.

Seriously, what the hell is going on in this world ? I bukak myMetro, and these are the two headlines welcoming me - bertakbir dikapak anak and mati ditikam menantu.

In bertakbir dikapak anak, it's about a mom slashed in the head using an ax by her son, aged 23. And he is believed to be influenced by mystical knowledge  . . . Cliche, isn't it ?

The book that is often read by the son before the killing.

In mati ditikam menantu, it's about a father arguing with his daughter before he was stabbed with a Rambo knife by his son in law. However, the daughter denied that her husband stabbed her father and claimed that her father stabbed himself. Funny.

Mysterious killings in the family ? Hmmph. Is the world coming to an end - kiamat ?

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1 comment:

Nurfaiz Shaidan said...

Things are getting way too weird these days. Seriously, I'm way so sad upon hearing the news about the man killing his own mom. I can't even imagine how he can have that willingness to do so :((