Tuesday, November 30

3 Funniest Windows Errors.

If you use a computer, even a Mac, you will come across error messages. Some of these error messages may be more frustrating than helpful. But, every once in a while, they are just damn funny.

A successfully error.

Losing His Voice To Puberty.

Justin Bieber has reached puberty. He is reportedly facing a problem with his voice now. That's a norm, kan ? Transformations happen as you grow up, especially as you get to puberty. Girls start developing breasts and get their periods. Boys grow bigger; have hair sprouting everywhere and their voice changes.

I wonder what will he sound like when his voice is done changing.

Monday, November 29

Stop Child Abuse.

Child abuse is a heinous act which is strictly forbidden in every religion. This is because such actions will destroy our own offspring. Remember, children are very sacred trust from God. Love the children and avoid cases of child abuse as it does not benefit any party but add the sin that we will get in afterlife.

Children’s are often abused mentally, physically or sexually. It's frequently on the news. I would never want to see and hear these acts of child abuse to happen again. Ever. It's very sad as children should be actually given love and protection. Not tortures.

Supposedly Tough Cat.

Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb used to warn against being too curious for fear that one may face harm. In this scenario, I guess acting tough scared away the curious cat. LOL !

Instructions To Follow.

Another dumb joke I came up with when I was fifteen. Heh ! Do leave me critics, yeah ?

Patient : Good morning, doctor.

Doctor : Good morning. How are you today ?

Sunday, November 28

ChurpChurp Is The New YouthSays.

YouthSays is an online youth community that works with organizations and businesses to reward youth for collective action. Youths get paid money or prizes for participating in online surveys, advertising campaigns, and campus activities.
Initially ChurpChurp was an integrated social media solution that works with organizations to reward campaigners for their contribution in ChurpChurp via Twitter. In short, you get rewarded for advertising from your social network.

No Need To Pay.

I can't believe I actually came up with a dumb joke when I was fifteen. Cleaning out the house is definitely good in a way; you'll come across loads of amusing stuffs. Heh ! And here goes the good for nothing joke. Do leave me critics, yeah ?

There is a board at the entrance of a hotel - "No need to pay for your bill. Your grandson will pay for it."

Ganesh : Feeding free of cost ? That's fine.

Thursday, November 25


Anger spoils the beauty of the face. Just as a wisp of clouds darkens the sun, anger darkens the face. An angry individual usually takes wrong decisions. Later he will feel sorry for his misdeeds. He may weep or feel sorrowful, but neither the tears nor his sorrow can set things right. Kan ?

Wednesday, November 24

Power Of Khinzir.

This entry is not beneficial at all. This is only a recording of the keywords used by readers to enter my blog. Please do read my other entries if you're not interested in this, yeah ?

Tuesday, November 23

Sejadah Muka Babi.

Very disturbing headline in myMetro today. Sejadah corak babi. Pfft. Intentionally or not ? That's the question.

Welcome Rain !

These past few days has been a rainy one. And I loved it pretty much. Rain is amazing, of course, on the days when you aren't out. I love sitting inside the house watching the rain trickle down my window. It's really soothing.

Monday, November 22

Stop Child Abuse.

The incidences of abused children are becoming more common these days. The stories of the atrocities committed against the child are often displayed in the media. When these types of story are shown, public's will be disturbed and eventually will condemn such inhuman acts. So do I. It is a reaction which is common to every compassionate human being. Every time a case of persecution is shown in the newspaper we will wonder “How can a person be so heartless ?".

Children’s are often abused mentally, physically or sexually. It's frequently on the news. I would never want to see and hear these acts of child abuse to happen again. Ever. It's very sad as children should be actually given love and protection. Not tortures.

Saturday, November 20

Shout! Awards 2010.

I won two tickets to the Shout! Awards 2010 held at Stadium Bukit Jalil today. But due to certain reasons, I couldn't attend. Sedih, kan ? But it's okay, I still had the best seat for the show - depan my lappy [laptop]. Special, ain't it ? 

Lemme just tell you one-two bits about the Shout! Awards. It is an entertainment award show created to celebrate the Malaysian entertainment scene. The award recognizes people of music, television, film and radio industry as well as the entertainment industry as a whole.

Cartoons Do More Harm Than Good.

The question was : 'Cartoons do more harm than good. Do you agree or disagree?' And this was my essay . . .

There has never been a child who has not seen cartoons at all during their childhood time as watching cartoons are the most common way for them to pass their free time. Mickey Mouse, Flintstones, Tom & Jerry, Casper, and Scooby Doo were one of the many frequently watched cartoons in the late 90's. Little did the parents know that by allowing their children to watch lots of cartoons, they are actually bringing harm to their own children. Health disorders and bad influence are some of the effects that cartoons can have upon children.

Friday, November 19

Divorce Me, I'm Not Pretty.

Relationships shouldn't be based on looks, right ? I mean looks will eventually fade in time. So, it is not right  for one to be with a person just based on their appearance, kan ? I came across an article in myMetro yesterday, Cerai Isteri Tidak Cantik Makin Meningkat. The title itself is stupid, isn’t it ?

Thursday, November 18

Lady GaGa Kena Korban.

Sodap ke, tak sodap ? That's the question. I'm very sure many of you Muslims out there enjoyed your daging lembu, kambing, unta dan sama waktu dengannya semalam. Eid Ul-Adha, there's no meaning to it if there's no meat, kan ? So now, try to imagine kalau Lady GaGa kena korban. Dia kan 'daging' jugak ;)

Wednesday, November 17

Loving You.

Eid Ul-Adha ; mesti semua ada kemas-kemas rumah kan ? Semestinya, no exception there. When I was cleaning my room yesterday I came across a poem I created, back when I was in Form 5. Ohh, so jiwang ! Felt like sharing it up here for my dear readers. Do leave me critics, yeah ?

Salam Eid Ul-Adha.

To fellow Muslims, Salam Eid Ul-Adha.

Tuesday, November 16

Harry Potter & The X-Rated Trailer.

Have you seen this ?! Sneaky editing makes this Harry Potter clip full of sexual hints. Definitely not one for kiddies to watch.

Sunday, November 14

I Want To Have The Best Of Both Worlds.

BlackBerry Torch 9800, a mobile phone that almost everyone dreams about these days. It has the best of both worlds, the 3.2 touch screen and the BlackBerry keyboard. What more can an individual ask for ? I know I'd give anything to get hold of it.

Both, touch screen and keyboard based mobile phones has its own advantages like I've stated above. And what you get from BlackBerry Torch 9800 is the best of both types.

Saturday, November 13

Hotel 15 Tingkat Dibina Hanya Dalam 6 Hari.

A construction crew in the south-central Chinese city of Changsha has completed a 15-story hotel in just six days. Rasa-rasa Malaysia boleh buat macam ni tak ?

Thursday, November 11

7 Year Old Raps Ke$ha - We R Who We R.

This boy is really sweet. I'm extremely sure he'll end up on Oprah or Ellen someday. AND also turn out famous just like Justin Bieber !

The talent this child has developed for his age is amazing.

Best Job In The World.

And the award of "Best Job In The World" goes to . . . Yoga Instructor !

Wednesday, November 10

Dikapak Anak, Ditikam Menantu.

Seriously, what the hell is going on in this world ? I bukak myMetro, and these are the two headlines welcoming me - bertakbir dikapak anak and mati ditikam menantu.

Tuesday, November 9

Dalam 10 Cakap 1 Nombor.

I don't know about you people out there, but this music video has been hitting on my Facebook wall for a couple of weeks ; which has tempted me to share . . . Not in my FB, but in my bloggie. Enjoy ! ;D

Monday, November 8

Katy Perry - Firework.

Inspiring song it is, Katy Perry's Firework. Very touching with amazing lyrics. BUT, heck ! There is already people criticizing about the song and video . . .

Lemme put your eyes straight pervs, it's her heart that are shooting the fireworks, not her boobies. And it's not about gay pride, it's about being true to yourself. If you like it, hear it. If you don't, just shush already.

Sunday, November 7

McDonald VS Burger King.

McDonald’s and Burger King are probably the two largest fast-food chains in the United States. No matter where you live, you can almost certainly find one or both of these franchises in your neighborhood. But should you drive the extra miles needed to go to one rather than the other? Since McDonald’s and Burger King offer basically the same food, atmosphere, and service, it doesn’t really matter where you stop to eat.

Saturday, November 6

Well, Hello November !

I will make sure this November my blog will be more livelier. Will make sure.