Monday, March 15

My Favourite Surfing Spot.

When I first hear the word surfing-surf-surfers or sama waktu dengannya, the first thing I ter-remember is some random handsome English dudes with a tanned body doing those extremely gorgeous surfing styles at the beach.

And the next thing I ter-remember is that cute American computer-animated movie titled : Surf's Up. Why, oh why . . . surfing the internet never di-ter-rememberkan in my brain when I first hear those words ? LOL !

Picture credit : Google.

So, back to the original blog-post title - my favourite surfing spot. What is the exact meaning of the title - you may be wondering. Well, favourite surfing spot is where you actually love surfing the internet. Could be you bedroom, workplace, classroom, living room, shopping mall, etc-etc.

For me - I love surfing on the internet where the internet provided's speed is really high. Jangan sibuk nak tanya why larh. You guys pun mesti nak high-speed internet gak kan ? Baru syok sikit being online. Kalau tak kejap² stuck, kejap² loading lambat dan sama waktu dengannya. Memang rasa tak puas hati larh bila guna. Kan, kan, kan ?

My ex-favourite surfing spot was at the place where I did my industrial training. The speed of the internet memang laju gila mengalahkan my house punya larh ! It was provided by some Arabian company - forgot what was the name.

I really loved being online for 8 hours straight kat sana. Sebab most of the time I was not given much work to do - so yeah. Online jer kerja. Haha !

Now, my secara-terpaksa and no-other-choice favourite surfing spot is my bedroom. Which I couldn't and wouldn't post-up the picture here cause it's in a mess and always will be. Why my bedroom - cause it's senyap and there's privacy ; of course ! When I'm surfing the internet in my bedroom I wouldn't have anyone breathing behind my neck watching over. Haha !

But, of course . . . the internet-speed agak lembap. Pfft. Should I buy a broadband - P1 W1Max maybe ?

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.