Friday, March 5

Ohh My ; GengBlogger !

First and foremost, GengBlogger . . . thanq for being the greatest platform untuk mengeping post in Malaysia. [I think you are the greatest ones so far larh. Sebab very easy, and straight-forward to guna]. I really appreciate it you guys. I really do.

Haa, yang aku pelik sekarang ni . . . macam mana entry ku yang tak seberapa ni naik pings gila-gila ? All these while when I've posted entries, tak pernah my pings went up more than 150+ per day. But then again, thanq to all of you out there yang sudi mengclick ! Mucho gracias peeps ! ;)

Note : Ini entry ngok-ngek. I tau. Haha !

Question : Is SEO a hot topic ? Itukah yang membuat my pings naiiik ?


Azrul Hisham said...

Congratulation :)

Kulanz Salleh said...

tajuk memang main peranan penting utk org minat nak hit entri tu.. sayapun dah baca, ringkas dan padat.. tip yg bagus

Cikgu Dahlia said...

wahh giler hebat!! mesti trafik naik menggila ni..

joegrimjow said...

ku pon klik gak ni

F I T said...

hehehe bagus a..ada peningkatan trafik from day to day.. ada harapan jadi blogger berjaya! caya la babe! :D

Jojo Struys is awesome, hot and gorgeous! no wonder! and that's why u cannot miss this Project Alpha! heh :)

khairil said...

tahniah...byk giler org ping utk entri tu...SEO, Nuffnang,tips, contest antara keyword yg orang suka ping dlm GB....

tuan director said...

wah mcm mana blh dapat view byk mcm tu ?

Hazzy Ishak said...


Anonymous said...

Yup ! SEO Tips memang hot topik .

bH said...

kalau dah nama blogger..who can resist reading on SEO?

Sakira said...

Azrul : Thanq.

Kulanz : Thanx to the main source. Hehe :)

Dahlia : Traffic tak naik mana pun. Bru 200+. Cam pelik jer. Haha !

JoeGrimJow : Thanq !

Fit : Thanx dude. Comment kamu itu memberi semangat kat I untuk memblog dua kali ganda. Haha !

Sakira said...

Khairil : Ohh. Is that so ? Kamu terlupa lagi satu keyword yang hot . . . Hehe. But then again, akan ku ingati those keywords that you've said ;)

Ahmad Syazwan : Tu larh I pun pelik. Pelik sesgt. Padahal traffic tak naik mana pun. Haih~

Hazzy : Thanq :)

TouyaKaruma : Ohh. Nak post about SEO je larh everyday. Haha ! ;p

bH : Yeah. True enough. Comment yang very ringkas, tapi straight to the point ;)

scya lollita said...

ouh .
congratz la (:

Sakira said...

Syiera : Thanq :)

Syuhada : Hmm. Ramai larh gak. Pelik benor. Haih~

s h a f i q h a s h i m _____ said...

:) ni yang nak dok buat tips seo jugak nie

Sakira said...

Epix : Jom wat ramai-ramai. Haha :)