Tuesday, April 6

Din Beramboi, Rafiqin Darwisy & Samun.

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to those who are reading my current post. First of all, I nak admit to you all that I memang tak berapa kenal who was Din Beramboi until the day he passed away. I read through newspapers, blogs and Facebook [FB] statuses and got to know that Allahyarham was indeed a famous man amongst Malaysian citizens. Al-Fatihah for Din Beramboi, nevertheless.

But who is Rafiqin Darwisy ? How did he suddenly become so famous that he has his own hate clubs in FB already ? Rafiqin Darwisy is a 14 year old Sabah boy [who claims is not Islam] yang sanggup mempermainkan the unsincere Al-Fatihah from him yang ditujukan to Din Beramboi when he set up his FB status to 'Al-F**k Din Beramboi'.

He instantly gained up popularity with that one status of his, making fans of Din Beramboi coming up with numerous hate clubs dedicated especially to Rafiqin Darwisy.

The search result for 'Rafiqin Darwisy' in Facebook [FB].

I don't know what to say about this 14 year old boy as he is just a budak hingusan yang tak tahu what is right and what is wrong. He needs someone yang boleh guide him in the right way to the right path. We shouldn't just shout at him this and that sebab memang humans nature is to make mistake. It's just that his mistake maybe was a little over the board.

Ok, that's that with Rafiqin Darwisy. What's up with orang yang pergi menyamun Allahyarham Din Beramboi's house ? Sampai hati mereka buat begitu ? Din Beramboi's family just lost someone they loved and now they lost some things that Din Beramboi left for them. Why penyamun, why ?!

Read the full news here.

This is a very emotional entry if it is read in the right tone. Anyways, I hope Rafiqin Darwisy and the penyamun will insaf. Please larh, stop doing these kind of stupid things okay ?

Update : Rafiqin Darwisy is from Kuantan.