Kalau sebelum ini SakiraLicious ada bagitau secara terang-benderang tentang siapa itu Anonymous, kali ini SakiraLicious ingin mengklasifikasikan pula jenis-jenis Anonymous yang terdapat di luar sana. Ini adalah solely based on pemerhatian saya yang tersendiri. Kalau ada silap and salah, tolong tegur.
Logically everyone thinks ; 'Semua Anonymous adalah jahat'. Which from their side of point is kinda true sebab dorang may have not meet any Anonymous's yang baik hati. But, kalau korang ada look to the other side of the Anonymous, ada juga yang baik di kalangan mereka.
Ya ladies and gentleman, there are dua jenis Anonymous. Yang baik and yang jahat. Dalam English, the good and the evil. And in this part, I'll be elaborating a little bit on this and that of Anonymous yang baik.
Anonymous yang baik usually meninggalkan comment di entries yang tip-top yang they somehow find ada sedikit silap and salah di situ. Because of their experience in blogging world which may be a little less than the blog yang dorang visit, they decide to go by the name of Anonymous untuk meninggalkan comment.
They beri pendapat yang agak bernas at times and decide to menegur one or two wrong-doings of the blog author. This is always to the better part of the blog author and the readers. These Anonymous sememangnya choose to not reveal their identity sebab takut dilabel as 'berlagak pandai' dan sama waktu dengannya.
In conclusion, they are shy of getting back-fired jika pendapat mereka itu ada silap and salahnya. They are afraid if whatever they commented will not be accepted by the blog author and readers. So that's why they choose to go by the name of Anonymous.
In conclusion, they are shy of getting back-fired jika pendapat mereka itu ada silap and salahnya. They are afraid if whatever they commented will not be accepted by the blog author and readers. So that's why they choose to go by the name of Anonymous.
Note : Stay tune at SakiraLicious to read every single thing I have to say about Anonymous.

hahaha...sebab tuh aidi install intensedebate.com... senang nak detect anonymous. selalunya anonymous yang back fire nih orang yang kenal kita. :p
teruskan memberi hujah2 tentang mereka ini~
info menarik
thanks sharing
saya ada seorang anony. ni yang rajin dtg bagi komen membina. ;)
aku x kisah org nak komen anon ni. x kisah gak kalau org x nak komen... asalkan mereka datang dnegan niat baik :)
Latest: Kantoi Aku Meminati Seseorang - PART I, PART II
komen dgn niat yg baik ok la. tak salah jd anon yg baik. tapi yg jahat...(bersambung di part 2..stay tune)..hehe
Kalau kenal asal nak buat camtu ? Hmm.
Anon camtu I suka. But kadang-kadang kecewa gak asal go with the name anon. Pfft.
the best blog i've read so far from a lady blogger...what u wrote is so true
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